TOTALLY CHAOTIC HISTORY is Greg's illustrated series of riotously funny history books aimed at children aged 8+. Each book is co-written with an expert historian, and races chronologically through the story at 100mph, exploring all the chaos, crazy characters, and calamities of world history, while also sneaking in fascinating insights about food, medicine, fashion, technology, culture, and religion. Every book is brilliantly illustrated by Rikin Parekh and features the recurring Chaos Meter, Accuracy Alarm, and Fast-Forward Button!
Think history is just a boring list of facts and dates? Think again! History is hectic, exciting and unpredictable – in fact, it’s absolute CHAOS! Join bestselling author Greg Jenner and his expert collaborators on a riotously fun journey through historical stories, from brilliant beginnings to epic ending. Hold on tight, with history you’ll never believe what happens next!